Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3311 – 3th Floor – São Paulo
+55 (11) 3288-6060
Av. Rio Branco, 151 – 5th floor – Rio de Janeiro
+55 (21) 3553-1707 Menu
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Practice Areas

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SA Law’s main practice areas are:


It’s a more flexible structure than we are accustomed to in traditional Brazilian firms, and ends up being very good because they adapt to our needs. The feeling I had with traditional firms is that they needed to modernize. A modernization coupled with the flexibility to understand the customers’s needs. So I think that these new structures that are emerging are the key to raising legal advice in Brazil to another level, to stop being that prehistoric & ingrained thing and to modernize. It is the key to more pro-business, pro-client advice; where the lawyer is no longer the center of attention and sees the client as the center of attention.

Daniella Moreira - Lawyer at Estrella Galicia

SA Law has a significant difference from the traditional law firm model. It presents itself to the market with a different structure from the traditional firm model. In general, lawyers have a legal expertise and come together to set up a firm, but their market view is limited. The vision of SA Law’s partners is to look at the market, look at the legal business as a business, think of aggregating partners from practices and areas that matter. So the firm was built with a different market view to 100% of the other firms. It is a much more modern footprint and this concept makes the professionals who are there, besides being excellent professionals from a technical standpoint, have a more accurate market view. They, therefore, have a much higher chance to offer a service aligned with market needs.

Mario Esequiel - Executive Board

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